Your Trusted Datadog Partner

Datadog is Dynamic, Cloud-Scale Monitoring

The rapid evolution of cloud migration has drastically transformed IT infrastructure. In an era of accessibility, agility, and scalability, organizations are making the shift to dynamic infrastructure that requires new monitoring tools and methods.

Datadog enables you to view and analyze metrics and events from across your infrastructure. Datadog was built to meet the unique needs of modern, cloud-scale infrastructure.

Monitoring modern infrastructure can be laborious, and at times overwhelming. By working with SELECCION Consulting and Datadog, we can ensure our services will help you remain competitive by leveraging industry-leading technologies in this new era of dynamic cloud infrastructure.

We empower businesses to uncover profound insights, fine-tune performance, and revolutionize operations. How? By helping businesses meticulously collect the right data, alerting on precise metrics, and swiftly investigating performance issues as they arise.

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Ready to harness the full power of Datadog for your business? Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our Datadog experts.

Monitoring modern Infrastructure with SELECCION Consulting

Comprehensive monitoring

Out of the box, Datadog collects monitoring data from more than 150 popular technologies. The Datadog Agent also includes a lightweight metrics aggregation server that can collect custom metrics from virtually any application.

Flexible aggregation

Datadog’s native support for tagging allows you to aggregate metrics and events on the fly to generate the views that matter most. Tagging allows you to monitor services rather than hosts so you can focus on the performance metrics that directly impact your users and your business.

Effortless scaling

Datadog scales automatically with your infrastructure, whether you have tens, hundreds, or thousands of hosts. Datadog auto-enrolls new hosts and containers as they come online, and with service discovery, you can continuously monitor your containerized services wherever they run.

Sophisticated alerting

Virtually any type of monitoring data can be used to trigger a Datadog alert. Datadog can alert on fixed or dynamic metric thresholds, outliers, events, status checks, and more.

Collaboration baked in

Datadog helps teams stay on the same page with easily sharable dashboards, graphs, and annotated snapshots. Seamless integrations with industry-leading collaboration tools such as PagerDuty, Slack, and HipChat make conversations around monitoring data as frictionless as possible.

Cloud Cost Management

Datadog provides cost data for engineers to help them optimize for performance and cost. It offers insights for engineering and finance teams to see how infrastructure changes can affect costs.

Our Monitoring Expertise


Real-time tracking ensures proactive issue resolution and optimization. Identify network bottlenecks and ensure device reliability. Gain insights into application health and resource usage for efficient scaling. Manage cloud costs effectively with spend tracking and optimization. Trust us for proactive solutions, resource efficiency, and cost management in your cloud environment


We offer flexible logging solutions, decoupling ingestion from indexing for seamless collection from diverse sources. With Logging without Limits, analyze, archive, and monitor logs cost-effectively. Intuitive log visualization and correlation with traces and metrics for deeper insights. Tracing and Metrics Correlation connects logs with distributed traces and metrics for efficient issue resolution. Datadog Cloud SIEM leverages ingested logs for advanced security incident detection and response. Log Collection integrates seamlessly with servers and custom sources for comprehensive log monitoring.

Application Performance

Our expertise in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) delivers in-depth insights into application performance, generating dashboards for key metrics and tracing requests across distributed systems. Correlation with logs and infrastructure monitoring enhances data context. Universal Service Monitoring (USM) visualizes service dependencies, aids in bottleneck identification, and ensures seamless service communication. The Continuous Profiler optimizes resource usage by pinpointing code bottlenecks and providing insights into CPU, memory, and I/O utilization. Database Monitoring tracks performance metrics, alerts on anomalies, and ensures optimal database operation. Data Streams Monitoring monitors data throughput, latency, and quality, aiding in troubleshooting and ensuring reliable data flow.


We bring speed and scale to your production security operations and deliver real-time threat detection and continuous configuration audits across applications, hosts, containers, and cloud infrastructure. Application Security Management (ASM) offers observability into application-level attacks, detecting threats such as SSRF, SQL injection, and XSS leveraging Datadog APM and in-app detection rules. Cloud SIEM provides real-time threat detection for applications and infrastructure, automating response workflows using Datadog Log Management. Cloud Security Management (CSM) ensures real-time threat detection and continuous configuration audits across your entire cloud infrastructure, facilitating collaboration and faster remediation. Software Composition Analysis (SCA) analyzes software components for vulnerabilities, helping prevent security breaches by identifying risky dependencies and outdated libraries.

Digital Experience

We provide a holistic approach to front-end monitoring, ensuring a consistent user experience. Browser Real User Monitoring (RUM) tracks real user interactions with web applications, capturing performance metrics to optimize frontend performance. Mobile Real User Monitoring extends RUM to mobile apps, enabling proactive optimization and tracking user sessions and crashes. Synthetic Monitoring creates scalable browser and API tests to detect issues early, ensuring reliable application behavior. Session Replay records and visualizes user interactions, aiding issue troubleshooting and understanding user behavior. Error Tracking monitors frontend errors in real-time, capturing stack traces for rapid issue resolution and improved user satisfaction.

Software Delivery

 We empower organizations to streamline their development and deployment processes by offering real-time insights into Continuous Integration pipelines, monitoring build and deployment stages, and alerting on failures for faster developer feedback loops. Utilize Test Visibility and Intelligent Test Runner to visualize test results, identify flaky tests, and prioritize executions, enhancing testing efficiency and reliability. Continuous Testing automates testing across the development lifecycle, integrating with CI/CD pipelines to ensure code quality, security, and performance for faster and safer releases.

The SELECCIÓN Difference. The Smart Choice.

Expert Team

A global team of experts with 25+ years in Cloud and SAP ecosystems

Cost-Balanced Solution

A mix of onshore and offshore resources to fit your needs and budget

Agile Approach

Big enough to handle your needs; flexible enough to be responsive

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